Identity · Poems

Enough – A Poem

She yearns for love,

For someone to hold her and call her their own;

To feel special and cherished,

And know that she’s enough.

She forgets that true love comes from above;

From the King who sits on His throne.

That the true act of love was when He perished,

By his death she was pulled out of the rough.


Her tears fall for the times when she was pushed aside,

And told she wasn’t the best she could be.

Her heart aches because she isn’t up to par;

She doesn’t know how to change their mind.

But the King of the Universe draws her near to His side;

He whispers in her ear, “You’re perfect to me,

I love you just the way you are.

Everything about you is beautiful, just the way I designed.”


The whispered words she protests and denies,

But He doesn’t let go, He loves her forever;

The King’s precious girl, she’s His for good,

Even when she doesn’t recognize it.

He hugs her tight and keeps on talking, “Don’t listen to the lies,

Just come as you are and never,

Never think I won’t accept you; I love you like no one ever could.

My love for you will never change, not even a little bit.”


She wants to believe,

Wants to know the love she’s been refused.

She relaxes and listens to,

Not the lies of the world, but to the King’s voice.

“I’ve heard the prayers you’ve prayed,

I’ve seen the hurt you’ve excused.

Listen to Me when I say that you,

Bring Me the greatest of joys.”


“Your name is on the palm of my hand,

Daughter, you are my treasured possession.

When people tell you otherwise,

You have to know,

My thoughts of you are more than the grains of sand;

I’ve freed you from sin’s oppression.

Lift your eyes, my girl, lift your eyes

And see, I love every part of you, from your head to your toes.”


Her heart is filling with the truths He’s given,

She’s being held and called His own,

Told that she’s special and cherished.

And by His grace, by His love, she knows that she is enough.

Enough to be loved, enough to live a life forgiven

She’s enough for the King on His throne,

Who saw her broken and said, “I died for you,

because I love you, to make you Mine.

And my daughter, because of that, you are enough.”

You are enough for God. When you don’t feel smart enough, good enough, pretty enough, cool enough, or whatever “not enough” thought rolls through your head, knock them out. They are lies. God loves you. He wants you to know that your worth doesn’t come from what people may or may not tell you, or what you tell yourself. Your worth comes from the King of Kings who loved you at your worst and still died for you to make you His. You, just the way He made you, quirks and all, is enough for God. You are His masterpiece. You are His child. You are loved. You are enough for God. And God’s opinion is all that matters.

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